Picture of nopExpress(Algolia) Search & Filter Integration
Picture of nopExpress(Algolia) Search & Filter Integration

nopExpress(Algolia) Search & Filter Integration

Secure, reliable & scalable search and filters & listings.
Supported Version: 3.80, 3.90, 4.00, 4.10, 4.20, 4.30, 4.40, 4.50, 4.60, 4.70, 4.80.



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Selling is vital for store owners. We all know a store owner loses their customer due to slower e-commerce sites. One of the easiest ways to boost your sale is making your site nimble. We provide nopExpress(which is integrated with Algolia) to your search engine to boost your requirement within any content management or software system. chosen it to be a part of your software product due to various reasons. It has a capability to act as a hosted multifaceted search engine solution that empowers users to bring out real-time results with keystrokes. Guaranteed, now you can search in 2millisecond with your store information.
Complete dedicated search engine solution: nopExpress full suite APIs enables teams to develop unique search and discovery experiences for their customers across all platforms and devices.


Search that works:
Typo Tolerance: Deliver relevant results, regardless of user errors with robust, out-of-the-box typo tolerance.
Query Rules: Define rules, offers and promotions based on specific parameters defined by your business.
Query Suggestions: Harness historical search data and click through rates to suggest the perfect query at every keystroke.
Filters and Facets: Enable discovery with powerful filtering functionality and pre-built faceting widgets.
Multi-Lingual: Used in over 100 countries and in 80 languages, Algolia is ready for your global user base.
Synonyms Create: your own synonym dictionary, unique to your business, to guide users to the right results.
Transparent Relevancy: Take control of your relevance engine with transparent and customizable rules.
Custom Ranking: Inject business data into your search results with customizable ranking attributes.
A/B Testing: Uncover the best performing relevance strategy by running controlled experiments.
Personalization: Serve your users the best results for them based on their past behaviors, demographics, or anything else.

One year free support & upgrade.


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