Picture of Video Slider Plugin
Picture of Video Slider Plugin

Video Slider Plugin

Video Slider Plugin for nopCommerce Supported Vimeo, Youtube, Own Video
Supported version: 3.80, 3.90, 4.00, 4.10, 4.20, 4.30, 4.40, 4.50, 4.60, 4.70.



  • Video slider plugin is a great way to build an astonishing slider with ease configuration.
  • Sliders that are available are not just for text content.
  • But now, you can easily customize sliders for including rich media as well as unique content.
  • you can easily use custom YouTube videos, Vimeo Videos and Images them utilizing a slider widget.
  • Using this video slider plugin, you can grab the attention of huge customer base on your site and daze them with efficient slide shows As shown in the image Slider(Can be Image or Video) can be placed anywhere on your website.
  • One year free Upgrade & Support.
  • Video Sider Configuration is very easy as shown Admin can add the new Record which includes: Type / Video Type / Picture / URL / Comment / Effect / Edit.
  • Different options are available like Image/Video (In video you will setup Vimeo, YouTube, and Own Videos) to manage your slider.
  • You can even manage its layout in multiple store as per your requirement.
  • A detailed process of installation is given in plugin configuration.
  • Features like Any width size slider automatically sets to the store page. However wide the slider is, it adjusts the screen width of the store page.
  • So it reduces the work of resizing the width of the slider. + Responsive in Nature, this makes slider usable on multiple devices and loads faster for various connections.
  • It can be featured in any device like desktop, laptop, mobile and tablet. So it becomes easy for the viewer to watch the slider, regardless of what kind of device they are using.
  • Admin can add unlimited numbers of sliders + theme compatible + Video is Played in a Loop, without Stopping + Auto-Start Slideshow and so on.
  • Admin can display the slider wherever you want using widgets.
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