Picture of Xero accounting integration
Picture of Xero accounting integration

Xero accounting integration

Xero accounting integration plugin for NopCommerce.
Supported Version: 3.80, 3.90, 4.00, 4.10, 4.20, 4.30, 4.40, 4.50, 4.60, 4.70.



  • Xero Accounting is stunning accounting software as itself, it is indeed made accounting easy and attractive.
  • As necessary it is, updating accounts is hardly the most exciting part of running an ecommerce business.
  • Whether you’re selling on nopCommerce Xero works seamlessly with third-party add-on to control your stock, manage orders and streamline admin tasks.
  • This extension can help store owners to easily sync their data with Xero.
  • This add-on is very flexible and easy to integrate with your nopCommerce store such as, how order you will import with configurable payment method.
  • Integrating nopCommerce and Xero can remove the need for many tedious and time consuming jobs usually needed to keep your accounts updated.
  • Both are focused on bringing great benefits to businesses, and addressing your day to day needs, so they make fantastic partner.
  • Admin Configure Includes Three tabs: Configuration / Payment Account Map / Xero Queue.
  • configuration includes: Multi-Store configuration for / Enable(Checkbox) / Drop Table(Checkbox) / Is Quality Sync Enabled(Checkbox) / Account Code / Consumer Key / Consumer Secret / Certificate Password / Certificate File.

Xero Queue tab includes: The Order number / Queued On Date / Action: Invoice, Payment / Status. Where admin can easily get the Accounting details. Features also includes:

  • Products, payment and stock levels are also synced.
  • Automate accounting by creating Invoice and Payment.
  • Supports all types of tax to sync with Xero like HST, GST, PST and VAT + Support for Discount, Gift Card and Reward Points to sync with Xero.
  • Support for product attributes, product custom attributes and checkout attributes to sync with Xero.
  • Automatic Customer creation with intelligence of maintaining particularity.
  • Our extension can reduce the data duplication with intelligence + Monitor each transaction log, trace every error, troubleshoot issues and rerun particular transaction.
  • Provides robust troubleshooting and failure recovery functionality.
  • Inventory synchronization allowing inventory to be managed from Xero and auto manage stock in nopCommerce.
  • Allow store owner to configure payment methods with Xero accounts.
  • One year free support and upgrade.
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